Web Developer & IT Professional
Get to know me
Hi, my name is Steven Neely and I'm a web developer. I got started on this journey fairly young, around the age of 10. For me it started with gaming (like most kids I suppose), but from there I grew very interested in things like using programs to manipulate games (okay, okay, I was cheating). Over time this fascisnation grew and I eventually wanted to start making my own programs and websites.
I spent the next couple years teaching myself HTML, Javascript, and Visual Basic. Most of what I made was just for fun, but eventually I began to pick up projects for people and communities online.
Today, I try to continue my efforts to self-teach myself everything I need to know in order to be a relevant developer in the constantly changing world of web development.
See what I can do
See the Pen Add Snow to Page by Steven Neely (@EssXTee) on CodePen.
Check out some of my CodePen work!Here's some of my art
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